

Hello. My nickname is Milliya. I drawing just for a hobby and that means I won't open any commissions (like, who want to commision me anyway
I like drawing OCs and rarely to drawing fanart because if I don't draw my OCs, who's else, right? But if you find me drawing any fanart, it means I'm in the mood ok (?)
I drawing very slowly and may after posting art then take a long hiatus lol
I'm kinda silent and not talk much, tends to avoid "fandom" because I want to enjoy things in peace without unnecessary discourse. May be observer, though.


  • Country/nation personification OCs

  • Honkai Star Rail

  • Tears of Themis

  • Ensemble Stars


  • HL, shoujo

  • BL GL is fine but I'm kinda picky abt it

  • Ships with equal relationship trope

  • My OCs (+86, +62, +970)

  • Vyn Ritcher

  • Eden. Especially Ibara

  • Mengs


  • One of the couple age is minor

  • People who dictate what people likes

  • BA

  • +972

  • People who create third world countries ocs with "first world" personal political view

Nation Personification
No. Not that h-talia or c-tryh-m-ns. It's just independent nation personification apart from that fandom. I admit h-talia previously inspired me for create my own nation personification. But now, just say I already graduate from them and decide to make my own interpretation, along with my closed friends who have same interest like me.
Because the heavily subject around the topic like sensitive part of history and the country itself, which may trigger unpleasant discussion, I decide to gatekeep the lore only for closed circle and not post it in public space (example: twitter/X). But I will occasionaly post the art about them in public as "hello here my OCs art" like that. But if you interested with this side of interest, feel free to ask~
I currently interested in Zhongguo and their lore history in general, also the relationship between Zhongguo and Hindania especially in Cold War around 1960. So, pretty risky topic haha (?)


Honkai Star Rail
My current game that makes me look forward to each day and keep sane rn lol. I rarely drawing fanart for this media because many artist already doing that so I just occasionally likes and enjoy the arts~ For me is husbando than meta as long I can enjoy the endgame lol.

  • Fav ships

  • CaeMarch

  • KafkaBlade

  • WeltHimeko

  • JingFu

  • AvenPaz

  • AvenTio

  • AvenCae

  • ArgentiBeauty lol

  • noship

  • I muted those dw abt it 👍


Ensemble Stars
Honestly I still new to the lore despite I playing the game almost six month (?). I just treat the game as another rythm game because I simply miss playing rythm game lol and just play casually without playing hard for events and don't know most characters /shot. So please be nice to me~
I decide Saegusa Ibara as oshi just because he bless me with his two ★★★★★ scout card lol. Salute!!! 🫡🫡🫡

  • Fav Group

  • Eden

  • Crazy B may growth on me mayhaps?

  • Fav ships...?

  • or more precisely interactions because I don't mind if not shipping romantically. For simply look at their interaction are make me happy

  • Ibaanzu

  • Any Eden interaction

  • noship

  • I muted those dw abt it 👍

  • Any NSFW fanart because most of characters are younger than me so I'm not comfortable

  • (but if it's just flirty and teasing are just fine. Like, idol jobs are providing fanservice and leave imagination to the fans(?))



- Israel/Zionist supporter/apologist
- Pro AI
- Pendukung 02 and orba apologist
- Anti vunerable group (lgbtqa, minority, marginalized, etc). Keep your opinion for yourself
- Minor under 16 y.o. (if you just like and comment my art it's fine)
- Proship who consume prohibited taboo content in public spaces and do not post trigger warning. Please tag your dead dove properly
- You who don't like my OCs and my interest/interpretation/hyperfixation?